Testimonials – HypnoBirthing Experiences

Experience report 2024
Dear Franziska,
I would like to thank you for the HypnoBirthing course. I was finally able to connect with my baby in my belly, which was difficult for me for a long time.
My baby and I were such a strong team at the birth and still are.
During the birth I was connected with all my strength, which we had practiced in the course, and I grew beyond myself, which I would never have thought.
All my love
HypnoBirthing women’s course Berlin
Hello dear Franziska,
I like the birth preparation with you so much that I have now come to you for the third time.
Fortunately, I planned my time with you well in my calendar, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have had time for myself and my third child in my belly.
I and my whole family were so well prepared for the birth that the third birth was one big flow.
Everything we had practiced and discussed beforehand was clear and familiar.
No perineal tear!
I owe you so much! During the births you were always present with your voice through the mp3 and I could hear you saying sentences inside.
HypnoBirthing individual course / private course
Dear Franziska!
The time had come for us on 22.12. 22 (right on time on ET) – little Isabel was born! The birth went really well, I had a lot of self-confidence the whole time and was able to lose myself in my breathing and my body. And then the little one slipped out very quickly, and it was great 
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for the very helpful crash course, I was definitely able to take a lot away with me.
HypnoBirthing Crash Course Berlin
Dear Franziska,
it was only 13 days after the appointment, on 1.11.22, that our Valentine went into labour.
He was induced with a natural castor oil verbena cocktail and then it went incredibly fast and he was born in just under 45 minutes. That was the compensation for the long wait….
I am doing very well, better than I have been for weeks, the birth went smoothly and without any injuries, we were home the day after and went for our first walk today.
Big brother is very fond of his little brother and always wants to hold him.
Thank you again for your support! I was very stressed at the end of the pregnancy, so your meditations/affirmations helped a lot!
Yours T.
HypnoBirthing Crash Course – online Hamburg
Dear Franzi,
Our daughter Karlotta has seen the light of day!
So my wish came true and it was a very quick, relaxed birth.
I prepared well at home, when we arrived at the clinic, the cervix was already half open.
We were at the clinic at just after 5.Around 5:20 we were in the delivery room and then everything went pretty fast.
Two big waves and the baby was there.Totally crazy.
I tried to stay in the flow and you kept saying in my head: lick lips, relax jaw.
Thank you so much for everything. You helped me to face the second birth positively and without fear.
It was even better than I imagined.
Dear Franziska,
I would like to introduce you to my daughter Linda. She was born in the bathtub and went into labor on her own, my greatest happiness because it allowed me to experience the natural birth I had wanted so much. I breathed all the contractions, without painkillers, without intervention. I owe a lot of that to what I learned from you in class. The mantra “I breathe into my uterus” and the visualization of the uterus and cervix were with me the whole time. I really latched onto it, especially when things got bad, and that focus helped me draw strength for each wave. I want to say thank you for everything you have taught us, it has been very supportive.
Yours Dani
September 2019
Hi Franziska,
i’m glad to introduce you to Elliot Alexander, born on Thursday the 26th of september (2 ,5 week befor duedate) He is good and healthy.
I’m happy about my delivery as I didn’t get any PDA. The midwife was helpful and my husband very supportive. The labor lasted only 3 hours.
Thank you to you mentally prepared to face this big challenge and i’m very happy about how it went.
We came back on Sunday from the hospital and we are now settling in our new life with a new member in our family.
September 2019
Dear Franziska, on Monday 09/09 our son Maximilian was born healthy and happy after a short and beautiful birth without any interventions. Kristina did indescribably great, she has no birth injuries and is top fit! Thank you so much for everything…best regards Kristina, Matthias and Maximilian.
May 2019
Since one month we are the happy and proud parents of little Nora.Her birth was not necessarily gentle or peaceful, but full of strength and natural!
I am very happy about the extremely helpful knowledge I took with you.
Overall, everything went super and fast, it took less than four hours, accordingly, the contractions have increased in strength. Then came two contractions in which the fear and the vehemence took me over and my head was more present, but when I then perceived the birth pains, the euphoria in my body won again and I was able to give myself completely to the power and then shouted out this power that drove me through.
I want to thank you for your really loving and meaningful preparation for this intense birth experience!
Yours Katja
June 2019
I would like to thank you very much for the great birth preparation in your course. Also the birth videos were again a real enrichment. The one overwhelmed me so much that I even had to cry.
My baby Carl was born within six hours without any complications or birth injuries in a water birth.
It could not have gone any better.
So love and keep up the good work! Jenny
August 2018
Just wanted to report that I had a beautiful, quick, self-directed water birth and hypnobirthing worked absolutely great. In 1.5 hrs at the birth center, the little mouse was already here! Franziska, thank you again for the exciting and helpful 4 Saturdays in the birth cave!
January 2018
Dear Franziska!
Thank you so much for your wonderful birth preparation.without you we would not have made it so great. The birth was as I had wished.At 2:30 o’clock the contractions have started and I have made me first still comfortable on em sofa.Then my husband has fetched sometime rolls and turned on the fireplace and I am tiger through the apartment.
At 3pm we went to the clinic and at 6:45pm we held our son in our arms. I even spent the last 20 minutes in the bathtub.
December 2016
Dearest Franziska.
We are so grateful that our paths crossed and that you accompanied us with your wonderful energy.Not only in the weeks before the birth, but also via headphones and speakers during the drive to the hospital and in the delivery room.
Feel very dear hugs Nadine, Loa and Alex
To prepare for my 2nd birth, I decided for a HypnoBirthing individual coaching with Franziska.My fears that it would go too esoteric, have not been confirmed.
Instead I got great tips to be/stay relaxed before and during the birth. I can fully recommend this kind of birth preparation!
A great course! We were unfortunately only able to attend two of the four dates as our son was born much earlier.I would have soooo loved to attend all the dates as it would have been very enriching for me and also us as a couple. Nevertheless, I was mentally much with Franziska during the birth and was able to implement many tips.
A great experience in a cozy atmosphere and Franziska is an incredible woman with a lot of strength, empathy and love, which she passes on in a wonderful way. I think back to the time of the course even after the birth because it was very impressive and also strengthens me in everyday life and gives confidence. The home birth of my second daughter was a dream. Now I know that birth is something natural, where you outgrow yourself and you can best master this alone without external intervention. And it has nothing to do with pain, trauma and personal abuse as you often hear in hospital births and I have experienced there myself. Thank you dear Franziska for everything!
Dear Franziska.
I wanted to thank you for your guidance. Deepening my self-hypnosis – experience have helped me a lot before and during birth.
I actually had a relaxed and easy birth at home.Our Frederick was born a week late. Just Christian and my midwife.
Last year at prime soccer time, between 2 games. We managed it well together – very racy;)
Our baby is peaceful, friendly and relaxed and easy to care for in every way. Except for the teething;(
So, thanks again! Your voice on the trance journeys has accompanied me well. Keep it up and good luck with the upcoming courses.
With love, Henriette
Dear Franziska.
Many, many thanks for your miracle – and devoted guidance in my first pregnancy. YOU were the best I could have encountered!……and all crowned by a wonderful, tremendous and infinitely tender birth of my son Ilias….
May you be a blessing to many other women on your way!
Be deeply embraced – Your Ceren
Dear Franziska,
Thank you so much for your preparatory support to a very beautiful birth and beginning family life!As you said, there are very strong elemental forces at play in both that guide and accompany us. The birth was very smooth and gentle and felt very natural to me. The process of coming together as a family and finding myself is more protracted.
Best regards from Maria