
Frequently asked questions


No. Sometimes the husband comes along at the beginning of the course, then he doesn't because he has to work. Sometimes the husband comes twice. Sometimes... life has many situations. In each course session you will be given exercises to do at home. This gives you the opportunity to talk about everything as a couple at home and you decide every day whether you do the exercise alone today or together with your husband.
Yes, if you want to and your husband wants to. There are several ways in which he can support you. Physically and emotionally. In my course I make you aware of the powers you have as a couple and the powers you have alone.
Then I say "welcome". If you have booked a couples course, I am happy to be sisterly by your side. You and your baby are the most important people during the birth. A woman is perfectly capable of giving birth alone. To strengthen your self-confidence is my task in the course. My great concern is that you feel powerful and that you have the confidence to give birth to your baby. By the way, I regularly offer women's courses on Mondays......
The ideal period is between the 24th and 34th week of pregnancy. This gives you enough time to continue practicing after the course. If you are already further along, it is still worth attending my course - you will gain a lot of knowledge in theory and practice for your birth. Trust yourself. I also offer a crash course if you are about to give birth....
Hypnosis is deep relaxation. A state of being absorbed in oneself, of being with oneself. You know this state when you read a book and see the action in your mind's eye, when you sit by the campfire and stare into the fire, when you do yoga and follow your breath.
That's where deep relaxation comes in again. We will do relaxation exercises and go on dream journeys in the classes. You will learn how to bring yourself into a deep state of relaxation and your partner will also learn how to support you. The purpose is that you are not tense during the birth, but relaxed.
Well, of course. The HypnoBirthing woman is very aware of her body through the practice-oriented exercises. She feels exactly how her body is, how her thoughts are directed and how her baby is during the birth. This supports a self-determined birth. You can give birth powerfully and relaxed at the same time.
You bet. The female body is a true miracle. During pregnancy and birth your body, your uterus blossoms and does everything right by itself. You learn to listen to yourself, to read your body. Your body is able to produce its own anesthetic during birth - endorphin. Endorphin is a happiness hormone that you produce yourself. In my course you will learn how this works and how you can influence the release of as many endorphins as possible during birth.

Registration for the course.

Franziska Olm HypnoBirthing Course Berlin
